Legal Status and Staff
We began our activity in June 2013 and turned into Komunitas Taufan on December 16, 2013. We then obtain legal status as Yayasan Komunitas Taufan (Taufan Community Foundation) on September 29, 2014 with a decree from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No.
AHU-0007196.50.80.2014 on October, 8 2014
Renewed decree No.AHU-0034634.AH.01.12.TAHUN 2020 on December 30, 2020.
Executive Director / Founder:
Yeni Dewi Mulyaningsih (Mama Taufan)
1st Secretary: Andriana
2nd Secretary: Wibowo Sulistio
1st Treasurer: Yuanita Rosianti (inactive)
2nd Treasurer: Maya Martini
Board of Directors:
Ren Refly, Mirza Thaher (Alm), Reff Rizon
Supervisor: Dra. Hj. Subardiah
Advisor: Prof. Ervizal AM Zuhud